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Piano Solo

Participants may also apply for other categories including duo or concerto.
Separate registration is required for every category.

Participation Fee: USD 120

One Round: Any choice of piano music (recording time: 1 to 6 min)

Memorization is required.

Group A: 5-6 years old – 2015-2016
Group B: 7 years old –  2014
Group C: 8 years old – 2013
Group D: 9 years old – 2012
Group E: 10 years old – 2011

<Young Artist>
Participation Fee: USD 140

Two Rounds
– Different works should be played for each round.
– Memorization is required for each round.

Group F: 11 years old – 2010
Group G: 12 years old – 2009

– Preliminary Round
Any choice of piano music(recording time: 2 to 7 min)
– Final Round
Any choice of piano music(recording time: 2 to 10 min)

Group H-1: 13 years old – 2008
Group H-2: 14 years old – 2007
Group I: 15 years old – 2006

– Preliminary Round
Choice of one piano etude of any composer
– Final Round
Choice of one Chopin Piano work (except for Chopin Mazurka, Prelude, Waltz or Nocturne) or any other piece of any composer

Group J: 16-17 2004-2005
Group K: 18 years old –  2003

– Preliminary Round
Any choice of piano music (recording time: don’t over 8 min)
– Final Round
Choice of one of the following pieces:
– One movement of Chopin piano sonata
– One of Chopin Polonaise
– One Chopin Ballade or Scherzo
– Chopin Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op.60

Participation Fee: USD 170

– Different works should be played for each round.
– Memorization is required for each round.

GROUP L: Participant who were born between 2003 and 1989
– Repertoire:

Preliminary Round
Any choice of piano music (You can choose one piece from any composers)
(recording time: 4 to 10 min)

Final Round
-Piece 1: Choose one of those pieces; Chopin piano Ballade, Scherzo, Variation.
-Piece 2
Choose one of those pieces; Chopin Mazurka, Nocturne, Prelude, or Waltz.
-Piece 3: Choose one of those pieces; One movement of Chopin Piano sonata or Polonaise, Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op.60

<Amateur Group>
Participation Fee: USD 150

Memorization is required for each round.

Group M:
One Round Only
Amateur Group is divided into two categories:

– Participants who were born before 2002.
– Participants who have not studied piano major at the university and do not earn money from piano teaching.
Repertoire:  one Chopin’s piano work or any combination of pieces or movements* with one Chopin’s piano piece  (4- 10 Min)

Group M2:
– Participants who were born before 1998.
– Participants who have studied piano major at the university or have been actively teaching piano.
Repertoire: one Chopin’s piano work, or any combination of piece or movements* including one Chopin’s piano piece. (5- 15 Min)

*For piano sonata or other piano pieces that have many movements, one movement only may be selected.

Piano Duo:

Two Pianos
One Piano, Four Hands

Participants may also apply for other categories including solo or concerto.
Separate registration is required for every category.

– Original compositions for piano duo and arrangements are acceptable.
– Memorization is not required but encouraged.
– Repetitions are not required.
– Only one round for each group.

Participation Fee for One Team: USD  200

One Round Only: one free choice of piece for one piano four hands or two pianos

(Recording time: 1 to 8 min)

Duo Group A: 5-6 years old – 2015-2016
Duo Group B: 7 years old –  2014
Duo Group C: 8 years old – 2013
Duo Group D: 9 years old – 2012
Duo Group E: 10 years old – 2011

<Young Artist>
Participation Fee for One Team: USD 260

One Round

Duo Group F: 11 years old – 2010
Duo Group G: 12 years old – 2009

Over 4 min to 10 min program. One music or combination with one short music(recording time: 3 to 10 min)

Duo Group H: 13-14 years old – born 2007 –  2008
Duo Group I: 
15 years old – born 2006

Over 4 min to 12 min program. One music or combination with one short music.
If you play 1st movement and 2nd movement, we count it as two pieces.

Duo Group J: 16-17 2004-2005
Duo Group K: 18 years old –  2003

Over 5 min to 15 min program. One music or combination with one short music. If you play 1st movement and 2nd movement, we count it as two pieces.

Participation Fee for One Team: USD 300

Duo Group L: Participant who were born between 2003 and 1989

– Repertoire: Around 20 min program.

<Amateur Group>
Participation Fee for One Team: USD 280

Group M:
One Round Only

Amateur Group is divided into two categories:

– Participants who were born before 2001.
– Participants who have not studied piano major at the university and do not earn money from piano teaching.
– Repertoire: Over 4 min to 12 min program. One music or combination with one short music. If you play 1st movement and 2nd movement, we count it as two pieces.

Duo Group M2:
– Participants who were born before 1998.
– Participants who have studied piano major at the university or have been actively teaching piano.
– Repertoire: Over 6 min to 15 min program. One music or combination with one short music. If you play 1st  movement and 2nd movement, we count it as two pieces.

Piano Concerto

Participants may also apply for other categories including solo or duo.
Separate registration is required for every category.

–  Concerto should be played with the second piano for the orchestra part.
– One round only for each category.
– Memorization is required for each round.
– Accompaniment may begin 2 to 10 bars before the piano sections comes in.

Participation Fee: USD 130

One Round: One movement of any piano concerto or one short piano concerto.

Concerto Group A: 6-7 years old, born 2014-2015
Concerto Group B: 8-9 years old, born 2012-2013
Concerto Group C: 10-11 years old, born 2010-2011

<Young Artist>

Participation Fee: USD 160

One Round:One movement of any piano concerto or one short piano concerto.

Concerto Group D: 12 years old, born 2009
Concerto Group E: 
13 years old, born 2008
Concerto Group F: 14-15 years old, born 2006-2007
Concerto Group G: 16 years old – born 2005
Concerto Group H: 17-18 years old – 2003 – 2004


Participation Fee: USD  200 

Concerto Group I

: University of Music Student (graduate or currently studying)
– Participant who were born between 2003 and 1994
– Repertoire: Two contrasting movements from any piano concerto

Concerto Group J

Participant who were born between 2003 and 1989
– Repertoire:

Choose one of those piano concertos. Play all movements.

  1. Chopin Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11
  2. Chopin Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21

<Amateur Group>
Participation Fee: USD  180

Group M:
One Round Only

Amateur Group is divided into two categories:

Group M1:
– Participants who were born before 2001.
– Participants who have not studied piano major at the university and do not earn money from piano teaching.
– Repertoire: One movement of any piano concerto or one short piano concerto.

Group M2:
– Participants who were born before 1998.
– Participants who have studied piano major at the university or have been actively teaching piano.
– Repertoire: One movement of any piano concerto or one short piano concerto.