
2021 FW Competition Registration Form

Chopin Avenue Piano Competition 2021 FW Registration Form

Please fill in the Fields.

For Duo, Please separate the info with a comma.
For example, if the duo is made of Mary Portman and Adam Mickiewicz, please type:
First Name:  Mary, Adam
Last Name: Portman, Mickiewicz
Birthday: 01 March 2010, 15 August 2011
Nationality: USA, Poland
and other relevant fields.

You may also register for the PERSONAL FEEDBACK SESSION on Zoom after the competition at the bottom of this page.


You may now select the category/group, choose the payment mentod and click the "Send" button below.

For Duo, please select the older performer's category if the two persons belong to different categories.

You should be then directed to the payment gateway.
If there is a problem with the payment gateway on your device, please let us know, we will issue the payment manually and send to your email.

Payment Details

Total $ 0

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