We’ve Made it!

Special Online Edition of Chopin Avenue
Summer Festival
10-18 July 2021


Translated with Google. 
Thank you for your understanding 🙂

After the successful first edition 2019, and online edition in 2021 we are happy to invite you to take part in 2022 Summer Festival in Poland.

In 2021

We still could not travel  but we had classes master classes and lectures with great professors who taught us how to play better and how to understand the deep relation between Chopin and Poland.




Play at concert and invite your family and friends to listen in.


Listen to other musicians perform and get inspired by their music.


Private Piano Lessons
Master Classes
Online Concert
Lectures & Workshops

Lectures / Workshops

1. Chopin Music / Style
2. Polish Culture & History as reflected in Chopin
3. Preparation & Strategy for Piano Competitions
4. Classical Music in Digital World (Creating)
5. Classical Music in Digital World (Promoting)
6. Teachers only Lecture
7. Teachers only Lecture

* 4 & 5 – all parents are welcome to join

Collaboration & Networking

Networking Sessions for participants to meet and make friends around the world

Collaboration Workshops for participants to work on remote interdisciplinary projects.


* the organizers reserve the right to change the instructions upon unavailability

Try once, you will want to come back again!

live it to the fullest!


Hong Kong, China
South Korea